Having attempted suicide, I'm well aware of my own vulnerability and of the dangers my unchecked thoughts and moods create. Given this, I believe that it's essential that I have a Crisis Plan - what I call My Self-Care Plan - in place to help supplement my safety should the crisis arise. This is that Plan . In presenting it to you I include notes explaining why I've structured My Self-Care Plan as I have. As you'll read in those notes, I view my Plan as something that helps me not only in a time of crisis, but as I conduct my everyday life. My Self-Care Plan Shortly after I attempted suicide, I read about crisis plans. I immediately sensed that this was a tool that I'd benefit from; however, I didn't know how to create one so I asked my case manager to help me. He agreed and made a few suggestions on what I might want to include: the warning signs of mood change, the signs that immediate action is needed, who to approach for help, how to distract myself, etce...
A blog about living with Bipolar II Disorder.